誰有「大江東去的」英文歌詞?大江東去 誰有「大江東去的」英文歌詞? 請問誰有「大江東去」完整的英文歌詞?或mtv, dvd , flash 網站可連結越多越好 謝謝囉!

The River of No Return (大江東去歌詞)Mm, if you listen,you can hear it call, “Wailerie”There is a river called the river of no returnSometimes it's peaceful and sometimes wild and freeLove is a traveler, on the river of no returnSwept on forever to be lost in the stormy seaWailerie, I can hear the river callNo return, no return, no return, wailareI can hear my lover call, come to meI lost my love on the riverAnd forever my heart will yearnGone, gone forever down the river of no returnWailerie, wailerie, he'll never return to me(No return, no return, no return)大江東去歌詞中文翻譯如果你聆聽,你會聽見這條河在呼唤,Wailerie 有一條河叫不歸河它有時安祥平穩,有時狂野奔放在不歸河上,愛就像一名游子永遠順着水流衝擊而下,迷失在波濤洶湧的海上我聽見河水呼喚着的声音,Wailerie 不回來,不回來…Wailerie 我聽見我的情人在呼喚,回到我身邊吧在河上,我失去了我的愛我的心永遠思念他往事成空,大江東去 Wailerie,Wailerie,他將不再回到我身邊.

大江東水,大江東盡,滾滾大江東逝水,大江東水向東流大江東,大江東去,完整的英文,The River of No Return,歌詞,英文,flash 網站,mtv,yearn,Wailerie


參考資料:http://tw.knowledge.yahoo.com/question/question?qid=1608020902324 大江東去


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